The Vagician
Best of the 405 | Best Esthetician Winner 2020
Faces of the 405 | Face of Aesthetics 2020
Dermascope's 45 Faces of the Industry
Starpil Wax USA Ambassador | Educator
Purchase Wax | Wax Pots | Waxing Accessories here!
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Interview with Starpil Wax USA
Cara Edwards is the owner and founder of Edwards Aesthetics located in Nichols Hills, an upscale suburb of Oklahoma City. Edwards Aesthetics offers premium quality full body waxing services and is a place where people can go and enhance their natural beauty... READ MORE
“I started this business and followed my passion because I believe the beauty from the inside can be shown on the outside. I see the beauty in everyone! In every shape, color, and size. Reassuring people of their natural beauty and
helping them enhance it just icing on the cake!”
-Cara Edwards

I am so HAPPY and EXCITED to announce that @starpilwax has invited me to Ft. Lauderdale to be their #starpilwax #waxing demonstrator for the 2019 #iecsc Florida convention!
Not only do I get to meet my #starpilfam , I have been given the chance to show you how Starpil #hardwax has changed my career. From the Wax formulas all the way to the family type relationships with everyone at the company.

IECSC Ft. Lauderdale October 2019
The 2020 Year

We love to hear great success stories, after all, we are the brand that believes in you! Starpil is your full-circle-guide to having a successful career in the beauty industry. We offer you premium products, helpful information, personal account managers, and Esthie Bucks to help you save! When we come across stories of estheticians excelling in their profession, we want to share it with the rest of the world.
Hearing positive stories not only motivates but ins
pires and these
three success stories inspired us!

"With some salons and wax centers opening up across the country, there are tons of questions buzzing around about this "new normal" and how to properly keep yourself and your customers safe."
"We interviewed waxing specialist Cara Edwards, owner of Edwards Aesthetics and Starpil Ambassador. Cara was forced to close shop on her birthday March 23rd and was faced with the uncertainty of her business's future.
Five weeks later, Cara was one of the first wave of estheticians in the country given the ok by state officials to reopen under new restrictions. Let's take a look at her journey from the end to a new beginning".... READ MORE