Prep Steps Before Your Initial Brazilian!
Revised 11/17/19
Prepping your intimate areas before your 'Initial Brazilian Wax' is very important.
First and foremost I want to Thank You for choosing me, Cara Edwards to be your Licensed Esthetician. I am honored that you chose me and trust me with your most delicates.
I know you must be nervous and perhaps even scared... even more so if you've had a bad experience before. I have always done my best to make every guest feel welcome and comfortable in my office. I am taking my love for education to my clients and first time guests one step further and have created my website from scratch to better communicate one-on-one with you.
Believe it or not, one step of prepping is gathering as much information as possible about the service your Licensed Esthetician provides. The website I have created for you will be a wonderful resource for you as I will constantly be adding information about my industry, my waxing techniques, sanitation practices, and regulations. I will also be discussing popular topics that are often discussed in my office, online forums, and misconceptions that make you go 😒...😳...🧐...😤...😱...and🤩!!!
Assuming a wonderful friend of yours, a family member, or a trusty review has sent you my way, I am hoping you are already feeling somewhat at ease in your seat while reading. If you have found me simply by chance... I am very thankful to have you and can't wait to meet you! So let's get started!!
Following me on Social Media is the best way to keep up to date on all changes, client photos, business practices and non-blog related topics. All of my social links are linked to every page of my website in black circle icons.
Prep Step 1-
Quite the most important step. Growing out the hair to an appropriate length for a successful initial wax. Pubic hair can range in many densities and textures, so to avoid confusion with new clientele I always advise new guests to have pubic hair at or longer than a grain of rice.
Common misconception is, longer the hair the more it will hurt, not necessarily. As far as the removal, the pain comparison at 4 weeks growth is equivalent to 6-8 weeks growth.
However, I have asked and have been told... I have a heavy application with first-time clients (First visits = Thickest Hair), If you do have longer than the recommended hair length, you will experience very slight pulling as the wax hardens.
Prep Step 2-
Some/Most establishments will require you to exfoliate the day(s) prior to the wax service. I want you to start the moment you make the commitment to come to my office. If you have active ingrowns or are prone to ingrowns, exfoliating up to the day you are scheduled with me will better lift stubborn hairs off/out of the skin, rid the dead skin off the body, and help prevent hair from becoming trapped under the skin (different from ingrowns).
I only approve one tool for daily exfoliating. That is an All-Natural Dry Brush (pictured above).
The specific dry brush that I have been recommending to my clients for the past 2 years can be found in my Amazon Store, along with other items that I have found very useful that you will see mentioned in other blog posts.
NO BODY SCRUBS!!!! We are the world's worst to using heavy hands. We want to scrub something clean. I simply want you to exfoliate daily. Pressing scrub beads onto your body, in between your fingers with heavy pressure in a back and forth motion, repeatedly could be very abrasive to the skin and cause microscopic lesions, allowing sweat and bacteria into those lesions, causing bacteria to spread and lead to possible infection.
NO PLASTIC BRISTLE BRUSHES!!!! When and if the bristles of the brush break they will not have a soft end. But a jagged edge, leaving a sharp feeling against the skin that may not feel pleasant right after a hair removal session. The plastic bristles are not as flexible as natural hair, making them not suitable for sensitive skin types.
NO MITTS, LOOFAS OR CLOTHS- These are simply body cleaning tools and will not properly exfoliate the body or any other surface of the body effectively. Even if stated the items are for 'exfoliating', they will not provide the proper exfoliation needed for the area.
NOTE: If you leave Mitts, Cloth Loofas, Cloths, Pads in the shower, the spread of mildew and bacteria is great. With continued use without proper cleaning of that device between each use, could lead to possible spread of infection to the skin and/or follicles.
Prep Step 3-
What (Not) To Wear.
I want you to be as comfortable as possible. I know you will feel QUEEN B when we are done... Kinda... I know what an initial feels and looks like... and I don't need you dressing like/for a hot date or like/for you're going to sweat your ass in jeans for the rest of the day. Don't worry, you won't always need this 'Prep Step'. I need you comfortable before and after the service. Always use good judgment when scheduling your wax. You don't have to stop the world cause you're getting this done. Life does go on... but lets just not do it on the same day as Leg day or when you have to go watch your kids' soccer game in 80-degree heat after.
(This is a great reminder to read my cancelation policy.)
Loose shorts, Leggings, Loose pants, Dress, COTTON PANTIES, are ok.
-No lotions, creams, oils or lubricants. NO NUMBING CREAMS WHAT SO EVER!!!
-No spray tans 4 days before or after the waxing service.
Prep Step 4-
When should you start waxing?? Will you have hair after the first visit?
Do you have a special event to attend? If yes, and you will be showing off your bikini line area... I NEED to see you 2 months/2 visits prior to your special event. I need to see you for your 'Initial Wax' and for your 'Follow Up Wax' appt.
There are so many differences between the two visits it really can't be compared!!
'The Initial Wax' is simply a starting point for receiving the services.
If you do not have a special event, you can start receiving wax services at any time after proper hair length has been achieved.
If you have hair after 'The Initial Wax' is completed, you must know the hair still present is on a different growth cycle than and must grow longer to be properly removed. Typically I will have my clients come in for a touch up 1 1/2 - 2 Weeks after their first visit to remove any left behind hair. Once complete, I will schedule your 4 Week appts from the 'Touch Up' date.
Prep Step 5-
Schedule Wisely-
Waiting until the last minute to check availability only to find out there isn't any can be really frustrating. IF POSSIBLE, try to plan ahead. I also offer 4-week recurring standing appts so you are always guaranteed a scheduled appt. With a 2-day courtesy reminder text, easy client sign-in profiles to manage appts, I do my best to offer the best in all services to my loyal clients.
Frequently Asked Questions...
Q: How often should I replace my dry brush?
A: A very good habit to get into, if you order an item off amazon pretty regularly, replace the brush when you order that item. I always replace mine when I order body wash!
Q- Can I still get waxed on my period? Will it hurt more?
A- I will personally still wax you as long as you're not a very heavy flow, can wear a tampon throughout the service. Yes, it will sting a bit more than normal due to the increased blood circulation.
Q- Will I break out? Can I prevent it?
A- There is no way for me/you to predict a reaction. Histamine reactions, skin sensitivities, and slight irritations are common after 'The Initial Wax'. Taking a Benadryl before the service has helped my clients, along with many others keeps symptoms at bay and/or to a min.
Q- I have hair 2 weeks after my initial wax, did my initial wax not work?
A- Absolutely it did!! This is what I mean by 'The Initial Wax' is just the starting point and it needs to be out of the way. It's also why I need to see clients twice before they have their special events. Getting hair on the same hair growth cycle can take 2-3 visits.
Results will vary from client to client.
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